Friday 10th May, 5.30pm - 4th Floor, City Library

NZ Music Month: Going Local

Ever wanted to know more about the music industry – how it works, who to talk to, what you need, why things happen and where you should look for help?

We are holding a get together in Dunedin called Going Local 2019. It's an informal way for you to meet with some established people already working in the music industry, who can offer advice and knowledge that will help to answer some of those questions above. It is also a chance for us to get to know you and hear about your own sound and vision for the future.

Join us! Free entry, and ask us about anything music related!

Will Evans - Bandcamp (Label Ambassador AU/NZ) / Dylan Pellett - IMNZ (General Manager) / Dean Cameron - Recorded Music NZ (Member Services Manager) / David Ridler - NZ On Air (Head Of Music) / Cath Andersen - NZ Music Commission (Chief Executive) / Anthony Healey - APRA AMCOS (Director, NZ Operations) / Lucinda King - artist / Scott Muir - MMF NZ and IMNZ (Deputy Chairperson)

Friday 10th May, 5.30pm

4th Floor, City Library, 230 Moray Place, Dunedin


Going Local is provided with support from a Recorded Music NZ Music Grant.

And stick around in town - we're celebrating later at 50 Gorillas!