performance videos available to view now!

If you missed out on the Nook and Cranny Plaza Party on 1st May 2022, or if you'd like to relive the fabulous performances again, you can now view videos from the day. Subscribe to the Nook and Cranny Music Festival youtube channel - it's free!

Such a stunning line up of artists. A new video is being added to the playlist each day, so do support the channel by subscribing

Performances from the following will be released in order of appearance:

Both Sides of the Line
Jae Bedford
Pottley Blues Collective
James Constable
The Mason Cooper Disaster
Flying Man
Sense of Time
Capt. Spoonbill and the Hōiho
Paul Allen
Melissa and the Dr
Kōpūtai Peopleʻs Party
Aart Smith
Boaz Anema
Tahu and the Takahēs

And there's a great overview video of the day too!

With huge thanks to all those who performed, supported or volunteered, and special thanks to Brendan Christie and Stephen Hillman.