
Collections - Stacks

Stacks are collections stored in non public areas of the City Library because space is not available elsewhere. Items in the stacks are generally older publications and all are listed on the public catalogue. When you see the instruction 'Ask at Desk' it generally means the item is in a stack but staff are very happy to retrieve these items for you.

  • Adult Fiction Stack (if you find a favourite author chances are we have a great selection of their earlier works)
  • Adult Non Fiction Stack (50,000 items to extend your knowledge in all subjects)
  • Magazine Stacks (we keep all issues of many magazines which the Library has subscribed to over the years)
  • Children's Fiction and Picture Book Stacks (find that favourite from your childhood)
  • Children's Non Fiction Stack (worth asking for older titles on a subject to supplement those on the open shelves)

We also have small stacks of Music Scores, Popular and Classical Music on CD, and Royalty Plays