Library Citation - Jennifer June Hodgkinson and Jill Beverly Hulme

The 2011 Dunedin Public Libraries Citation recipients were Jennifer June Hodgkinson and Jill Beverly Hulme.

The award was presented at the library's annual Christmas morning tea for volunteers and others who had assisted the library during the year.

2011 Citation Details

This citation is presented to Jennifer June Hodgkinson and Jill Beverly Hulme on 13 December 2011, in recognition of their commitment to lifelong learning and steadfast belief in the enormous value the library holds in the community.

Since 2003 Jenny and Jill have been running a Book Group at Frances Hodgkins Rest Home. Both women are retired teachers who are passionate about books and committed to enriching the lives of residents at Frances Hodgkins with library materials sourced from Dunedin Public Libraries.

Once a month Jenny and Jill visit Home Services at the Dunedin Public Library. From there they choose a selection of fiction, nonfiction and audio books on topics that may be seasonally relevant or they may reflect newsworthy events occurring in our district or elsewhere in New Zealand. Residents enjoy being shown pictures and photographs and reminiscing often plays a part in their sessions. Jenny and Jill feel privileged to see the interest and enjoyment the elderly residents derive from the sessions, and consider it to be truly remarkable and humbling.

Jenny and Jill have managed to carve a niche for themselves among the residents at Frances Hodgkins while maintaining strong links to the library they are passionate about.

This is a fantastic service which is highly valued by residents, rest home and library staff alike.  Jenny and Jill’s commitment to lifelong learning and enriching the lives of elderly people in society deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated.