Learning Support Policy

The Dunedin City Council Community Plan 2006/07-2015/16 identifies that the development and support of Culture and Learning are key community outcomes for the City.

The Library Learning Support Policy directly promotes the vision of Dunedin as a city that celebrates and supports culture and excellence in the arts and education, while identifying that the Dunedin Public Libraries directly contributes to the following key indicators of the Culture and Learning Community Outcomes:

  • Percentage of residents with high school qualifications, and
  • Percentage of residents with tertiary qualifications, and
  • Proportion of residents using the Dunedin Public Libraries.

Similarly, the Public Libraries of New Zealand: A Strategic Framework 2006-2015 identifies that public libraries support lifelong learning:

By providing opportunities for informal learning and by supporting formal education, libraries contribute to the economic and social well being of individuals. (p.18)

Additionally, the IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto confirms that:

It has been demonstrated that when librarians and teachers work together, students achieve higher levels of literacy, problem-solving and information and communication technology skills.

The Library Learning Support Policy outlines the range of strategies employed by the Dunedin Public Libraries to support the pre-primary, primary and secondary educational institutions across the city of Dunedin in the achievement of the community outcomes of Culture and Learning.


While the focus of support outlined in this policy is directed to the kindergartens, preschools, day care centres, primary and secondary schools across the city of Dunedin, other key stakeholders in this policy will be the Dunedin City Council, the Dunedin Public Libraries and the National Library of New Zealand Schools Support Centre.


The key objectives of the Library Learning Support Policy are to:

  • Support the learning and educational achievement of children in pre-primary, primary and secondary education institutions across the city of Dunedin, by facilitating access to public library resources, which complement and support their educational programmes and available resources.
  • Promote the usage of resources available from the Dunedin Public Libraries resulting in increased borrowing, membership, visitation and electronic usage.
  • Develop a stronger partnership between Dunedin's pre-primary, primary and secondary education institutions and the Dunedin Public Libraries to support the lifelong learning, educational achievement, social and economic wellbeing of the Dunedin community.


Education in Care Organisations

The Dunedin Public Libraries will support Kindergartens, Play Centres, Day Care Centres and Preschools by offering library membership in accordance with the following options and conditions:

  • One card per licence. (Some institutions have more than one licence, which could relate to the same or a different address).
  • Responsibility to be accepted by the Director or Centre Manager, but day-to-day usage may be delegated to staff.
  • Address verification required.
  • Membership expires after 12 months. All contact details will need to be reconfirmed at this time.
  • Unlimited free holds.
  • PIN assigned to allow users to access online services and information.
  • Maximum of 30 items on loan at any one time.
  • Loan period, extended loan and administration charges applicable to Child membership category.
  • Maximum of 6 items on the same subject per card.
  • Renewals not available.
  • Rental charges apply.

Schools (Years 1-13)

The Dunedin Public Libraries will support Primary and Intermediate Schools (Years 1-13) by offering library membership in accordance with the following options and conditions:

  • School cards (number of cards to be determined in consultation with the school).
  • Responsibility for the school card/s to be accepted by the Board of Trustees and by the Principal on behalf of the Board with day-to-day responsibility delegated to other teachers at the Principal???s discretion.
  • Membership valid for calendar year and will need to be renewed each year. All contact details will need to be reconfirmed with membership renewal.
  • Unlimited free holds.
  • PIN assigned to allow users to access online services and information.
  • Maximum of 30 items on loan at any one time.
  • Loan period, extended loan and administration charges applicable to Child membership category.
  • Maximum of 6 items on same subject per card.
  • Items borrowed are for school use only (includes fiction, non-fiction and audiovisual items).
  • Renewals not available.
  • Rental charges apply.

Individual teachers may also use their own personal card to borrow library materials for school use. Personal membership conditions would apply in these circumstances.